Apr 10, 2023
'Noel Vigue & David Lyth Session Description: We’ll explore the measurement and evaluation of the physical education program at Kennedy Middle School in Natick, Massachusetts, and how we link student expectations, grading and responsibility into fitness-focused courses. In our PE programs, students use heart rate monitors to examine their fitness levels. We will also discuss overall school culture, classroom physical activity, and before/after school programming. How can you make fitness the focus in your school? What are some roadblocks you may run into and who are your allies that can help support the cause? This presentation will look to address these questions and look to help you learn from our successes and mistakes. We will explore the link between brain science and the positive role exercise plays in several aspects of learning. It will also explore ways to build school community through exercise and discuss how to get more people involved and kids to buy in.'See also: