'Should you use intermittent fasting everyday? In this video I tackle the subject presented by Thomas DeLauer on the premise that you shouldn\'t fast everyday. I break down why Thomas is actually wrong about his position and why you can absolutely fast every single day. Fasting carries a breath of benefits and to dismiss those for a strategic method based on some theories and studies that do not represent daily fasting should not be the reason one decides not to fast. Enjoy. *Also I just want to let everyone know I am not bashing Thomas Delauer as I respect and appreciate his stance on both the Keto and intermittent fasting community. Just want to put that out there. ► PATREON → https://www.patreon.com/Fledgefitness ► S U B S C R I B E → http://tinyurl.com/z4aylr4 ► THE JUMP ROPE → https://fledgefitness.com/fledge-fitness-jump-rope/ Studies: Thomas\' University of Virginia Study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8636290 Fasting study shows decrease in cortisol: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17413096 Ramadan Cortisol Study on Rugby players: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19164831 Ramadan Cortisol Rhythm Study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16450542 * I\'m not a nutritionist nor am I a doctor all information given has been gathered by personal experience and information that I researched and compiled over the years. Always consult a physician before starting a new diet, eating regiment, or workout plan. Enjoy the video! Are there any aspects of Intermittent Fasting that you would like me to touch on? If so let me know in the comments section below. Visit our site for all your fitness needs: https://fledgefitness.com/ Like us on Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/zclncp6 Follow us on Instagram @FlegdeFitness http://tinyurl.com/hjx84en Follow me on snapchat: fledgefitness'
Tags: fitness , Weight loss , diet , nutrition , burn fat , lose weight , Lose Weight Fast , fat loss , burn fat fast , intermittent fasting , fat burn , lose fat , lose fat fast , weight loss transformation , Fast weight loss , shrink waist , Thomas DeLauer , fasting , low fat , intermittent fasting weight loss , glutathione , intermittent fasting results , fledge fitness , lower body fat , thomas delauer intermittent fasting , intermittent fasting and keto diet , thomas delauer fasting everyday
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