'#atoyday #planetsong #dancingplanet #solarsystem #kidsong #childrenrhymes Song: https://youtu.be/bvet3P68gzg Sing and learn this simple Dancing Planets SONG for kids to learn 8 planets of the Solar System: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. All the planets dance in small groups. Kids will learn similarities and can find the planet which doesn\'t fit the group. The song introduce Solar System for kids and easy to chant all together with the family or friends. This planet song shows 8 planets of the solar system for small kids and learn the color, similarities, differences of the every planet of the Solar System. Simple song for babies, children, toddlers, preschoolers, kindergarteners. Lyrics: Mercury, Mercury, Mercury, What? Mercury, Mercury, Mercury, Mars! Venus, Venus, Venus, What? Venus, Venus, Venus, Jupiter! Earth, Earth, Earth, What? Earth, Earth, Earth, Uranus! Mars, Mars, Mars, What? Mars, Mars, Mars, Neptune! Jupiter, Jupiter, Jupiter, What? Jupiter, Jupiter, Jupiter, Mercury! Saturn, Saturn, Saturn, What? Saturn, Saturn, Saturn, Venus! Uranus, Uranus, Uranus, What? Uranus, Uranus, Uranus, Earth! Neptune, Neptune, Neptune, What? Neptune, Neptune, Neptune, Saturn! Subscribe to watch upcoming videos: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpFsQcFDd6UxnzFuXn1gDzg?sub_confirmation=1'
Tags: space , education , youtube kids , family friendly , baby song , karaoke , Planet song , solar system song , what is it , solar system project , guess the game , What is this , planets project , солнечная система , планеты англ , a toy day , planets for kids song , planets for preschool , planet order song , planet for babies , popular game planets , planet fro baby , song chant , planet game , space forchildren , solar system balet
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