'Welcome to a new month of music lessons! Our theme for the month of August 2022 is pop songs for kids. I\'m Ms. Emily with EBN Music and I teach music lessons for kids! I am a piano and voice teacher and my specialty is the young beginner. So join me with your child and let\'s head to the piano for some fun! If you\'re a kid at heart, this is for you too! This is our first of 4 piano lessons where we’ll learn a different pop song and how to play the chords on the piano. We’re combining singing and piano lessons into one! Today, we’re learning Yellow Submarine by The Beatles. Let\'s make some music together! You can join me each Thursday live on YouTube at 10:30 am Central Time, or simply watch the recording later! Here\'s your FREE guide! What You Need To Start Piano Lessons ▶ https://ebnmusic.com/freegift_pdf/ Follow me on Facebook and Instagram, or contact me on my website below! Facebook ▶ https://www.facebook.com/ebnmusic Instagram ▶ https://www.instagram.com/ebn.music/ Website ▶ www.ebnmusic.com'
Tags: Music , piano , teacher , How to play piano , yellow submarine , The Beatles , music teacher , music lessons , music lessons for kids , Piano Teacher , piano lessons for beginners , Piano Lessons , piano lessons for kids , how to play piano beginners , how to play piano kids , music lessons for beginners , easy piano lesson , how to play pop songs on piano , how to play chords on piano , how to play yellow submarine on piano
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