'2k kids Trying 90s Kids Snacks for the First time, 90s Kids Snacks ,Tamil Food Review Hii Guys , We are soo amazed to bring you our new food review show Foodie with Buddy.We are Born in 2000s and we always have a nice feel towards people who born in 90s.they have beautiful childhood than us.So we decided to live the life of 90s kids.We came up with this idea of Tasting 90s Kids snacks for the first time.Watch the video and enjoy.. ➼ Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1yd... Helps us Reach our Previous Level ➼1500+ Subs ❎ ➼33,000+ Views ❎ ➼500+ Watch Hours❎ #90skidssnacks #90skidsfoods'
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