'In this video we reacted to Stray Kids - Back Door and FELIX DOES IT AGAIN!!! Tune in and enjoy the video!! :D My insta: https://www.instagram.com/papipena25/ My twitter: https://twitter.com/PapiPena25 Ivan\'s Insta: https://www.instagram.com/champagne_ivyy918/ Ivan\'s twitter: https://twitter.com/Ivan_t918 Arinn\'s Insta: https://www.instagram.com/a25nahoum/ Arinn\'s twitter: https://twitter.com/a25nahoum Avery\'s Insta: https://www.instagram.com/averycharlesmiller/'
Tags: Stray Kids , 스트레이 키즈 , bang chan , stray kids music video , stray kids reaction , Kpop reaction , stray kids gods menu reaction , stray kids gods menu , Stray Kids Back Door , back door , 스트레이 키즈 뮤비 , 스트레이 키즈 백도어 , 스키즈 back door , back door 뮤비 , 백도어 뮤직비디오 , back door music video , Stray kids funny moments , stray kids back door reaction , back door instrumental , stray kids back door mv reaction , kpop reaction to bts , stray kids reaction gods menu
See also: