'Learn about the 5 dwarf planets -- Ceres, Pluto, Makemake, Haumea, and Eris, some of the dwarf planet candidates and some of the major planets in our solar system with these great songs from KidsLearningTube. Subscribe to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/ channel/UC7EFWpvc1wYuUwrtZ_BLi9A Check out my newest videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmIHwWY0hiuyOsg6agHxBjlEoZcSlzsDS Here are my most popular videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmIHwWY0hiuwJoMu_u77fQ9z14hG0cHzz KLT educates kids about the solar system and geography through music and animation with a fun and unique approach to learning! Join us for weekly videos about geography, stars, space, planets, shapes, and more educational videos . Our videos make learning about the world so much fun! KLT App for iPhone & iPad * https://apps.apple.com/us/app/kids-learning-tube/id1491094573?ls=1 Android Phone and Tablet * https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.w35ef400ff78.www https://kidslearningtubeshop.com/products/video-membership Watch KLT ad-free for $12 a YEAR! See the latest videos before anyone else in the world. Sign up today for ad-free video streaming for all KLT videos! KLT Website: https://kidslearningtubeshop.com/ T-Shirts, Blankets and More: https://kidslearningtubeshop.com/ Music Downloads: https://kidslearningtubeshop.com/collections/music Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kidslearningtube Tweet Us: https://twitter.com/learningtube Instagram: https://instagram.com/kidslearningtube iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/album/id1192890817?ls=1&app=itunes'
Tags: solar system , educational videos for children , Educational Videos for Kids , dwarf planets , kids learning tube , kids learning tube planets , kids learning tube solar system , dwarf planets song , dwarf planets in our solar system , dwarf planets for kids , dwarf planets size comparison , dwarf planet pluto , dwarf planet ceres , dwarf planet eris , dwarf planet candidates , kids learning tube dwarf planets , kidslearningtube , dwarf planet song for kids , dwarf planet haumea
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