'The Planet Song is a funny song for kids by Bryant Oden (Songdrops) to help you learn the names of the planets. By Bryant Oden (The Duck Song). iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/the-songdrops-collection-vol/id437019959 On the CD of 40 songs: \"The Songdrops Collection, Vol. 1.\" http://Songdrops.com http://facebook.com/songdrops In 2006, At an IAU (International Astronomical Union) conference, after most people had left, a vote was held to remove Pluto from the list of planets. The vote passed. This is a catchy little tune to help you remember the names of the planets Lyrics to The Planet Song. Mercury Venus Earth Mars and Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. If you sing it\'s not hard to remember the names of the planets anywhere that you go Some people say Pluto\'s not a planet What were they thinking when they voted to ban it??? The Planet song: A happy, catchy, funny song for kids by Bryant Oden who did the duck song, I got a pea, Bob the Snail, Best Friends Forever, This Song is Stuck Inside my head, The CBA Song, Please Don\'t Pee in the Pool, The Shortest Song, and more funny songs for kids.'
Tags: funny , science , The , Music , songs , song , of , random , Stars , kid , planet , astronomy , way , planets , PLUTO , duck , children's , Class , got , Elephant , names , Bryant , Llama , Catchy , oden , pea , milky , songdrops , teachers.
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