Nov 26, 2023
'Chef Kids Cook Yummy Food - Baby Games - Fun Kids Games Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tabtale.kitchenkids Time for you and your friends to become the best little chefs around! No adults are around and you kids are hungry – you better prepare food, and fast! You guys are in charge – cook and bake whatever yummy food you want, and have a food fight! Uh-oh – You’re starving, and no parents are home to feed you! It’s up to you and your friends to turn into gourmet chefs and make a delicious meal! Who said dinner before dessert?! You’re in charge now! Get creative in the kitchen and eat all the mouthwatering food you want!'
Tags: baby games , fun kids games , Tabtale , top baby games , Chef Kids Cook Yummy Food
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