'REUSE REDUCE RECYCLE Rhyme for Kids | Rhyme to Learn the Importance of Reuse Reduce & Recycle'

01:13 Jan 14
'REUSE REDUCE RECYCLE Rhyme for Kids | Rhyme to Learn the Importance of Reuse Reduce & Recycle by PLUTO Educator  Real Education by Real Educator  In this series the Teacher tries to establish the importance of Reuse Reduce Recycle in Kids.  On Display are the various crafts made in this series - using CD, Ice cream sticks, used cans, carton boxes, paper cups, newspaper etc.  Pluto believes that its important to makes the kids aware of the importance of Reuse Reduce & Recycle - which in turn will help to build a better safer and less polluted Planet Earth.  #reducereuserecycle #recycle #reallearning' 

Tags: rhyme , kids activity , pluto for kids , reuse reduce recycle , pluto play school , pluto day care , pluto activity , rhyme on reuse reduce recycle , activity on recycle of materials , kids learning recycle

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