'Jesus Loves Me Nursery Rhyme by woza kids is a christian song sang by kids between 1-13 yrs. it teaches on the birth of the love of Jesus to His people as taught in the bible. through the video kids understand their relationship with Jesus. The video also help kids learn the spelling of various words in English in a funny and interesting way through interaction Learn and enjoy through songs and movement with Woza Kids team! lyrics Jesus loves me this I know For the bible tells me so Little ones to Him belong They are weak but He is strong Yes Jesus loves me Yes Jesus loves me Yes Jesus loves me The bible tells me so Jesus loves me He who died Heaven\'s gate to open wide He will wash away my sin Let His little child comes in Yes Jesus loves me Yes Jesus loves…'
Tags: nursery rhymes , children songs , baby songs , kids videos , kids songs , kids song , kids rhymes , baby rhymes , nursery songs , religion , Rhymes , english songs , phonics songs , baby song , Fairy Tales , Gospel , lullabies , sunday school , kids worship , dance for kids , The Bible , cute dance for children , Sunday School Song , Jesus loves me , number songs , children's classics , bedtime lullabies , jesuslovesme , Yes Jesus loves me , The bible tells me so , Jesus loves me original song
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