'Earth Day Song for Children. Reduce, Reuse Recycle for kids, Popular children, baby and toddlers songs by Miss Patty, #earthday #recycle For more videos http://www.pattysprimarysongs.com Lyrics Reduce, reuse and recycle Reduce, reuse and recycle Re Re Re-member to do these three things Reduce, reuse and recycle Reduce: Water, paper, electricity Reuse: Clothes, container and bags Recycle: Cardboard, cans and plastic bottles Remember to do these things! Reduce, reuse and recycle Reduce, reuse and recycle Re Re Re-member to do these three things Reduce, reuse and recycle BRIDGE: Help the earth stay blue and green Keep our air and water clean (4Xs) Reduce, reuse and recycle Reduce, reuse and recycle Re Re Re-member to do these three things. Reduce, reuse and recycle Reduce, Reuse and Recycle! Earth day will be here on April 22nd. Let\'s celebrate every day and keep our air and water clean! Song written and performed by Miss Patty Exclusive world wide distribution rights to this recording owned by Miss Patty For more videos, CDs and DVDs http://www.pattysprimarysongs.com Find Miss Patty\'s music on Amazon, Instagram, Facebook, Roku, iTunes, AppleTV, FireTV, Siri, Alexa, Spotify and more, just search Miss Patty Primary Songs #misspatty #pattysprimarysongs Contact info@pattysprimarysongs.com'
Tags: recycle , kids song , children song , reduce reuse recycle , patty shukla , earth day song , recycle for kids , reduce reuse recycle song for kids , reduce reuse recycle for kids , reduce reuse recycle song for children , Reduce Reuse Recycle song , recycle song for kids , recycling songs for children , reuse reduce recycle song for children , recycle reduce reuse song 90s , pattyshukla
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