'#BibleSongs #BibleHeroes #QueenEsther This song is about the life of Esther from the Bible, a simple girl who was chosen to replace Vashti as the empress of the Persian empire. Here we see her role in saving the Jews from Haman\'s plan of extermination. DG Bible Songs - Christian children\'s songs is a musical project with the purpose of promoting the message of the Gospel and Bible principles in a creative, innovative and modern way through Christian songs and cartoons. Buying Coloring Pages and Instrumental of the song will help support the DG Bible Songs. Coloring pages: https://dgbiblesongs.com/product/coloring-pages-esthers-song/ Instrumental: https://dgbiblesongs.com/product/esthers-song-instrumental/ Lyrics Once upon a time a handsome king Who was choosing his bride And of all the maids standing there He chose me to be by his side. Let courage be guiding your heart! For God will be always with you, Providing the favors you’ll find His love will carry you through. You are His... You are His In his evil mind Haman planned To destroy all the Jews He was mad at them just because Didn’t bow and chose to refuse Let courage be guiding your heart! For God will be always with you, Providing the favors you’ll find His love will carry you through. You are His... You are His But Mordecai found this out And told it to me all about. In sackcloth and ashes We prayed to God, prayed to God And then I went before the king Risking almost everything, I dared to ask him unafraid To join the feast that I prepared. And Haman was invited too Not knowing what I would do. The king happily agreed To grant my life, yes, he did. He heard my story to the end And said my wish is his command, He punished Haman right away And saved my people from his rage. Obey all your plans to the Lord! Cause through Him you’re victorious His powerful arm will bear yours His love will carry you through. Let courage be guiding your heart! For God will be always with you, Providing the favors you’ll find His love will carry you through. You are His, you are His You are loved, dear child... You are His.'
Tags: christian kids songs #1 , Christian kids music #1 , best Bible songs #1 , animated Christian songs #1 , animatied kids songs #1 , bible songs #1 , queen esther song #1 , Bible Songs Collection 2022 , 2022 Christian songs #1 , 2002 Chirstian song collection #1 , Esther song #1 , bible heroes #1 , esther from the bible , mordecai #1 , haman #1 , ahasveros #1 , story of the jews , jewish stories #1 , jewish history #1 , purim celebration , esther and mordecai , esther and haman , rescue songs #1
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