'Performance Task: 3R’S REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE + What Can Kids do? | Mckyled'

'Performance Task: 3R’S REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE + What Can Kids do? | Mckyled'
04:04 Feb 14, 2024
'PERFORMANCE TASK: 3R’S REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE + What Can Kids do? | Mckyled  #PERFORMANCETASK #3R’S #reducereuserecycle #RECYCLE  #Mckyled' 

Tags: How to make , recycling ideas , recycling for kids , reduce reuse recycle , earth day , what is recycling , how to recycle for kids , earth day 2022 , what is recycling for kids , learn how to recycle , 3 r's of recycling , reduce reuse recycle it is very eary to do , #growingtomatoes #gardener #kidgardener , #kidsvlog #kidhardinero , #kidsvlogph #mckyle #mc #mckyled #kyle , reduce reuse recycle preschool

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