'Best Exercises To Gain Height At Home | Role Of Human Growth Hormone To Gain Height | In Urdu/Hindi'

'Best Exercises To Gain Height At Home | Role Of Human Growth Hormone To Gain Height | In Urdu/Hindi'
06:52 Feb 16
'In this video, Dr Irfan Ahmed PT will discuss 3 Important points regarding Children\'s height.  1) Human Growth Hormone (HGH) 2) Time Frame to Gain Height 3) Role of Exercises to Gain Height Human growth hormone is very important to gain height in children. If we take more protein, more growth hormones are released and we can gain more height. If we take less glucose, more growth hormones are released and we gain even more height. If we take more fats, less growth hormones are released. Exercise is very important for the increase in the release of HGH (Human Growth Hormone). Stress and anxiety reduces the relief of human growth hormone. Children can gain height up to 20-22 years. Until our growth plates are ossified. Top 6 Basic Exercises are given to do at home: 1) Jumping Jacks 2) Jogging In Place 3) Burpees 4) Squats 5) Lunges 6) Hanging    6a) Chin-ups    6b) Pull-ups  #height  #humangrowthhormone  #exercisestoincreaseheight Visit our Website: http://aprc.com.pk Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PhysioAPRC Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/PhysioAPRC Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/PhysioAPRC' 
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