'Sustainability is our Responsibility Reduce Reuse Recycle Children\'s Animation and Song'

03:01 Mar 21, 2024
'Sustainability. That’s quite a mouthful as a word and not one that all primary aged children always understand…yet.  Our brilliant pupils started with a brainstorming session on ideas for a school animation about sustainability and the inspiration for a song and snippets of lyrics flowed quickly.   As a school, the pupils have been working on raising environmental awareness and all things “Eco.”  Once the ideas for the song were in place, a great many pupils worked on our animation and credit is due to everyone.  Many animation techniques have been used this year from drawing, stop motion and utilising green screens. Year One created painted backdrops and 3D birds which they learnt to animate and other year groups worked to illustrate different lines from the lyrics. A huge thanks to Mrs Cowie who allowed the Art Club to spend their time on creating some fabulous stop motion animation. The singers poured their hearts into their fantastic performance and we think their enthusiasm for the subject shines through.  As well as working in lessons, pupils gave up their lunchtimes and playtimes and even precious time on the last day of the school year to come and work on this outstanding project.  In truth, we had more ideas than could fit without it being an overlong production.  We all hope that it will stimulate discussions about how we should all take more care of our planet and its diversity of life, as well as being a fun way to help launch ideas: should we all use the rechargeable batteries that were used in the DT projects included or is there an even better way to create power?  Our vocabulary will certainly be extended as we sing along with “Sustainability is our Responsibility.  Stop the hostility. Plan for tranquillity. Sustainability is our Responsibility!”  Song tune all rights reserved S and G Everett 2018 Songs Video and Education (London) or should that E be for Entertainment?   Our content aims to educate in an entertaining and fun way.' 

Tags: Original , sustainability , song , singing , biodiversity , save the planet , Lyonsdown School , Eco-school , plastic in the sea , rare earth metals

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