'What Is This? Kids Workout Pets Edition | Guess Who? Kids & Family Fitness. It\'s fun fitness! Guess what it is and do the activity. Great activity for kids and the whole family. Great brain break activity for students at school or remote learning! Exercise videos are from Sworkit: https://www.sworkit.com And remember the best hustle is the Fitness Hustle! #KidsWorkout #FamilyExercise #GuessWho
Tags: home workout , the body coach tv , kids workout , kids fitness , fun workout , pets , PE , trivia , family workout at home , Physical Education , family workout , animals for kids , guess who , family fitness , family exercise , workout for family , family games at home , pe at home , fitness hustle tv , family workout videos , open physed , family workouts at home , physical ed , home family games , home family workouts , home family workout , get kids moving , brain breaks for kids , what is this?
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