'Move and Freeze Dance for Kids | Freeze Song | Exercise Song for Kids | Mr. G Play & Music'

'Move and Freeze Dance for Kids | Freeze Song | Exercise Song for Kids | Mr. G Play & Music'
03:33 May 4
'Let’s do FREEZE Dance with Mr. G to have fun FREEZE time! #MrGPlayMusic  This FREEZE song Includes Legs, Arms, Spins, Shoulder, Down-Up, Shake, Jump, Fast & Slow exercise movement.  FREEZE Exercise Songs for Children, FREEZE Movement Songs for Kids  Party FREEZE Dance Song for Kids, Popular Children’s Brain Breaks Action & Dance Song MOVE & FREEZE!!  Teachers, feel free to play our songs in your classes!   Copyright © 2019 Mr. G Play & Music : All Rights Reserved.' 

Tags: Dance , kids , for kids , children songs , Music , songs , song , children , kids songs , kids song , kids music , songs for kids , music for kids , freeze , dance songs for kids , freeze dance , dance for kids , kids dance songs , dance freeze , the kiboomers , move and freeze , freeze dance song , freeze dance for kids , dance music for children , freeze song , freeze game , party freeze dance , freeze dance game , freeze dance music that stops , party freeze song , musical chairs song , the freeze dance

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