'Difference between Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources'

03:26 May 14
'Natural resources can be classified as renewable and nonrenewable resources. Natural resources can be classified as renewable or nonrenewable A renewable resource can be replaced at the same rate in which the resource is used Common renewable resources used to produce energy include, Solar, like these solar panels converting solar energy into electricity. A nonrenewable resource is a resource that forms at a rate that is much slower than the rate that it is formed. Coal is an example. It takes millions of years to create coal and once it is used up it is no longer available You can use CON to remember three popular nonrenewable resources. This stands for  Coal Oil Natural Gas  #sciencevideo     #msscience   #sciencehelp' 

Tags: science , education , energy , earth science , environment , resources , renewable , Renewable energy , moomoomath and science , fossil fuels , renewable and nonrenewable resources , nonrenewable , renewable energy resources

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