'天气怎么样?(How Is the Weather?) | Sing-Alongs | Chinese song | By Little Fox'

'天气怎么样?(How Is the Weather?) | Sing-Alongs | Chinese song | By Little Fox'
01:55 May 19
'Subscribe and watch new contents uploaded every week. YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/littlefoxchinese   Visit our website, app and check out our unique content including thousands of digital resources. App Download: http://www.littlefox.com/en/app?sortKey=LFCN Website: http://chinese.littlefox.com   Little Fox is a language education company. We present an award-winning collection of leveled,  animated stories and songs. Our goal is to help children learn languages in a natural and fun way.   Copyright © 2020 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.  All rights reserved' 

Tags: for kids , video , movies , animation , english , songs , educational , Stories , children , for children , 리틀팍스 , chinese , weather , 영화 , 교육 , esl , 날씨 , 애니메이션 , 영어 , 어린이 , 비디오 , うた , little fox , 汉语学习 , 중국어 , 基礎中文 , 少儿中文 , 少兒中文 , 中文入門 , 동화 , 中文口語 , 漢語學習 , 基础中文 , 中文口语 , 中文学习视频 , 中文學習視頻 , 中文入门 , 동요 , 中国語 , リトルフォックス , こども中国語 , キッズ中国語 , 幼児中国語 , 영어 동요 , sing-alongs , 日常用语 , 日常用語 , 天気 , 天气 , 天氣

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