Act of Contrition Prayer Read by a Child

00:31 Oct 18, 2020
The Act of Contrition is part of the Sacrament of Penance and is a prayer that we say to God and the priest listens to us while we stay it. As the priest hears, we are proving to him that we are seeking reconciliation with God.  #actofcontrition, #contritionprayer #childrensprayers  Please say this prayer daily or listen to it over again.  Please post prayer requests below.  We would love to pray for you and your needs. Thank you for supporting our ministry.   Please be a subscriber: 

Tags: Jesus Christ , act of contrition , act of contrition prayer , catholic prayers , catholic prayer , common prayers , confession prayer , like a prayer , child prayer , sacrament of penance , sacrament of reconciliation , sorry for my sins , o my god i am heartily sorry for having offended thee , who art all good and deserving of all my love , to confess my sins , act of contrition prayer catholic , prayers for healing , prayer after confession , prayer during confession

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