'This workout is intense and will get you a sexy bikini butt. Do it 2x per week to start then increase to 3x. If you\'re new you can do this without weight to learn the exercise form but then you\'ll want to add weight to make it challenging. Do each exercise 3x followed by a set of leg raises. Rest 60-90second between each set. Do the leg raises for 15 reps. For the other exercises follow the plan below: Close stance Squat with Barbell 10-12 reps. Stepping Back Lunges with Weight in each hand 6-8reps Lunge with Back Foot on Chair 8-10reps. Give it a try and let us know how you did. Be sure to like if you want more like it and subscribe if you havent already:). Also see BikiniModelFitness .com Female Fitness Model Coryn Salazar: www.facebook.com/corynsalazar'
Tags: Women , girl , fitness , Workout , exercise , loss , weight , Health , body , muscle , muscles , exercises , butt , butt workout , butt exercises , training , squats , tone , legs , lean , shape , female , fitness model , lunges , thighs , glutes , booty , fat burn , Exercising , firm , buttock , fat lose
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