'New Stories for Kids About Good Behavior - Good manners for kids: In the hospital, Wolfoo met a very ferocious Mr. Tiger with scars so Wolfoo and his friends were both very scared of him. But actually, Mr. Tiger is very nice and always tries to help them. #WolfooChannel #Wolfoo #Goodmanners #GoodBehavior #toys #Stories #funny #Play #kids #Cartoon The episodes in video: 03:18 Pando Lost His Cat - Wolfoo Has a Funny Way to Hide Cat 07:02 Please Tell the Truth! Who Takes Robot Toy? 09:59 No no, Wolfoo doesn\'t want the golden touch 12:53 Wait Your Turn for the Bus! See more of: WOA Kid Cartoon Videos - 2D: https://bit.ly/2WrKWRQ WOA Wolfoo Music Videos: https://bit.ly/2XxFUz6 WOA Wolfoo All Videos: https://bit.ly/2YBXxyL Our suggestion: Peppapig Official Channel: https://bit.ly/1S1S0tN Dolly and Friends Official: https://bit.ly/2g9nHD0 WOA Pencil Animation: https://bit.ly/2XofX4M All audio and visual content in this channel is owned by SCONNECT CO., LTD., License Certificate Music: audiojungle.net; epidemicsound.zendesk.com --------------------- About us: ► Email: info@woanetwork.com ► Facebook: https://goo.gl/xBxEhB ► Twitter: https://goo.gl/ZXm6xU ► Woanetwork: https://goo.gl/WyWN5w ► TopShare: https://goo.gl/K1YSsV THANKS FOR WATCHING AND DON’T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE! CREDIT Producer - Ly Tran Director - An Nguyen Scriptwriter - Bich Nguyen Artist - Duc Nguyen, Tan Pham, Ngan Nguyen Animator - Khang Le, Linh Pham, Thuong Nguyen, Hieu Dinh, Hop Nguyen, Tuan Nguyen, Ngoc Nguyen, Nhung Nguyen Compositor - Linh Nguyen'
Tags: for kids , stories for kids , preschool , kindergarten , toddler , kids videos , kids animation , kids entertainment , funny videos , Cartoon for kids , pretend play , kids play , kids cartoons , kids toys , kids playing , No No , good manners , Children Play , Funny Stories for Kids , wolfoo , woavid , 2d cartoon , Rescue Team , Wolfoo Channel , Wolfoo cartoon , 아이 만화 , 子供たち , good manners for kids , good behavior , good and bad behavior for kids
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