'So I entered Ali-A\'s fortnite fashion show! I made it to the final, but did I win? Watch to find out! Thanks for watching, leave a like if you enjoyed. Use code \"xDogged\" in the fortnite item shop. Turn on notis if you wanna see my live fortnite fashion shows! Social Links: Twitter - https://twitter.com/xDogged New Merch - https://bit.ly/2QvYtUt Second Channel - https://bit.ly/2YDAXWX Discord - https://discord.gg/ShCWg2y Subreddit - https://www.reddit.com/r/xDogged/ Snapchat - xdogged Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/xdogged/ Ali-A\'s Channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/Matroix'
Tags: fashion , style , Live , Show , free , fortnite , ali a , Season 2 , Battle , royale , Combos , troll , rare , round , meme , emotes , theme , win , prize , ali , intro , battle pass , stream , funny moments , og , 1v1 , code , winner , winning , Eu , stream sniping , trolling , Season 1 , alia , raider , Renegade , fortnite song , Fortnite Music Video , ali-a , NAW , raiding , GHOUL TROOPER , nae , custom matchmaking , rare skins , best combos , fortnite parody , xdogged , dogged , 2dogged , sparkle specialist , 10000 vbucks , cool combos
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