'Looking for a way to entertain the children? Why not try this 20 minute at home HIIT workout with SH1FT trainer Rach and her two boys Alfie (6 years) and George (7 years). The kids will have loads of fun whilst burning off some excess energy. It gets the children active and is a fantastic workout for adults as well - win/win! This workout is perfect to do at home - just make sure you have some clear space without furniture in the way for the kids.'
Tags: workout for kids , kids workout , kids fitness , kids fitness videos , group fitness instructor , hiit for kids , at home kids workout , childrens workout , kids cardio , cardio for kids , kids active , workout for my kids , workout for children at home , childrens fitness videos , hiit for children , cardio for children , childrens cardio , group fitness for kids , group fitness for children , group fitness for young people , young peoples workout , sh1ft , sh1ft fitness
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