'MACROS MADE EASY: How to Calculate Macros for a Successful Cut (Bodybuilding)'

'MACROS MADE EASY: How to Calculate Macros for a Successful Cut (Bodybuilding)'
08:40 Feb 5, 2022
'GET MY NEW FITNESS COOKBOOK HERE! ► http://bit.ly/mkufcshop ► Ape Athletics 10% off discount code \"KORY\":  http://bit.ly/mkapeathletics  ► Fitness Cookbook:  http://bit.ly/completecookbook  1.  Figure out how many calories you need each day.  You can Google an online calculator or here is my video on it:  https://youtu.be/UKIuW_-03wQ 2.  Figure out protein.  1 gram per pound of bodyweight is a good place to start. 3.  Calculate fat.  0.3g per pound of bodyweight.  Multiply your current bodyweight by 0.3 to figure out your fat intake. 4.  Multiply your protein intake by 4 and your fat grams by 9.  Then add both numbers. 5.  Subtract added numbers from your calculate calories per day. 6.  Divide number by 4 to figure out how many carbs per day.  I do not suggest paying for online macro coaching if you are just looking to lean bulk or lose weight.  You just saw how easy it was for me to figure out this information.  Take pride in learning about the things you are passionate about.  If you are looking to step on a stage to compete, make sure you get an experienced coach that knows what he is doing.    You can also use macro calculators like this one:  http://iifym.com/iifym-calculator/  Protein = 1g per pound of body weight Fat = .3g per pound of body weight Carbs = remaining calories  APE ATHLETICS - Enter \"KORY\" for 10% off http://bit.ly/mkapeathletics  FITNESS COOKBOOK http://bit.ly/completecookbook  MYPROTEIN (US) - Enter \"KORY15\" for 15% off http://bit.ly/mpusmk  MYPROTEIN (UK) - Enter \"KORY10\" for 10% off http://bit.ly/mpukmk  ANI FOOTWEAR - Enter \"mkory\" for 10% off http://www.anibrand.com/  RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS ► http://bit.ly/mkfastore ● Workout Log:  http://bit.ly/workoutlogmk ● Bluetooth Gym Headphones:  http://bit.ly/headphonesmk  Facebook: http://fb.com/michaelkoryofficial Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/michaelkory Instagram:  http://instagram.com/michaelkory Website:  http://michaelkory.com Tumblr:  http://michaelkory.tumblr.com Google+:  https://plus.google.com/+michaelkory  SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOS ►  http://bit.ly/subscribemk  Recipe videos:  http://bit.ly/recipesmk Workout videos:  http://bit.ly/workoutsmk Email newsletter:  http://bit.ly/michaelkoryemail  Business contact:  [email protected]  http://youtube.com/michaelkoryfitness' 

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