'Michael Vazquez Full Body Workouts: http://bit.ly/2qiOhQk Subscribe for more: http://bit.ly/2JwKzLE Michael mixes up his training to include calisthenics, bodybuilding, and breakdancing. This enables him to stay motivated, and have fun in the process. He focuses on basic foundation movements that enable him to maintain a great physique, and ensures he regularly changes his number of reps and exercises so he can continually build muscle, reducing the chance of hitting a plataeu. Michael Vazquez found fitness and it gave him a platform to completely turn his life around. He set aside any self confidence issues, and was able to see just how far he had come since he left a life of partying behind. His lack of motivation for fitness became a thing of the past, and he was now well on track to achieve the body he’d always dreamed of. His son was born, and Michael knew that would have to make decisions that would benefit his family. Since then, he has never looked back. What we can learn from Michael is: no matter how down you might feel at points in your life, there are opportunities right around the corner to help you get back on your feet, and make the best of every moment – just like Michael did. -------------------- Music: Anikdote - Turn It Up [NCS Release] Elektronomia - Energy [NCS Release] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzNMd3Tu1Zw Elektronomia https://soundcloud.com/elektronomia https://www.youtube.com/c/elektronomia https://www.facebook.com/Elektronomia Light Years Away - Melrose At Midnight [NCS Release] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLtn2qA7WxE Light Years Away https://soundcloud.com/lightyearsawaymusic https://twitter.com/lightyears404 https://www.facebook.com/lightyearsawaymusic https://www.instagram.com/lightyearsawaymusic/ --------------- Muscle Motivation always try to give you best exercise videos, workout motivation and bodybuilding to help you can reach your fitness goals. The best sport videos with latest fitness and workout music, weight loss and weight gain programs, muay thai, kickboxing, mma, wwe, football, sport highlights and motivation to lose weight fast, training and motivation and more. We hope you can find gym workout routines and fitness inspiration for healthy lifestyle. Link video: https://youtu.be/9sOjMfQljX4 #musclemotivation'
Tags: Workout , motivation , workout motivation , american ninja , MICHAEL VAZQUEZ , Michael Vazquez training , michael vazquez workout , Michael Vazquez Motivation , turn it up , best of michael vazquez , michael vazquez 2018
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