'The seated incline dumbbell alternating hammer curl is an isolation exercise that works the biceps through an even greater range of motion than a traditional standing curl. The lower you set the bench the more challenging the exercise, so you can adjust the bench to any incline that feels most comfortable for you. To get started: 1) Sit on an incline bench while holding your dumbbells and lay back extending your arms down towards the ground. 2) Hold the dumbbells with your palms facing in towards each other. 3) You should feel a stretch in your biceps before you begin. 4) While keeping your elbow stationary, curl the right dumbbell up towards the right shoulder. Do not lift your elbow. 5) Lower the dumbbell with control and pause the right side while you work the left. 6) Alternate sides, exhaling with each curl. DISCOVER THE WORKOUT PROGRAM SUITED FOR YOUR GOALS Live Lean Program Selector Quiz: http://www.liveleantv.com/quiz Don\'t forget to subscribe and check out our main channel: http://www.youtube.com/liveleantv Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LiveLeanTV Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/LiveLeanTV Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/LiveLeanTV Snapchat: http://www.snapchat.com/add/LiveLeanTV'
Tags: workouts , ab exercises , leg exercises , bicep exercises , exercise video , chest exercises , shoulder exercises , exercise tutorial , tricep exercises , back exercises , exercise demonstration , exercise demo , calf exercises , SEATED INCLINE DUMBBELL ALTERNATING HAMMER CURL
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