'Kids fitness workout using chair | Quarantine kids workout routine | Kids fun exercise'

04:21 Feb 21, 2021
'Let\'s get ready with some fun workout in your living room using your furniture. So kids just grab your study chair and start moving.Here is a series of simple exercise to improve your core strength, muscles fitness, endurance, neuro muscular coordination and helps to burn fat. It is a fun workout within the comfort of your home. You no need to chase for various equipment or many more source. You can even use your stool as well. I will suggest it would be better if you can ware your sports shoes as well as any comfortable t-shirt and shorts.  For better fitness along with the fitness schedule we also need to focus on food consumption. There should have proper balance of diet. For kids entire day food chart should have combination of all kind of nutritious, vitamin, minerals, protein, fat, carbs etc. I am giving many link in the below description. These links will help you to get better fitness level and knowledge.   #fitquote #fitspo #getfit #goalsetting #youcandoit #fitnessgoals #trainhard #noexcuses #nopainnogain #dedication #strong #fitlife #getfit #fitspiration #determination #fitnessgoals #getstrong #instafit #instahealth #instafitness #instagym #instarun #instarunners #chair #pushups #aerobics #fitnesslovers #workout #fit #diet #anytimefitness #fitnesslife #healthlife #body #danceaerobics #zumba #india #mauritius #zumbafitness #canada #russia #usa  Follow me in Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/YogiDattaYogaClass/?modal=admin_todo_tour  Follow me in Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/yogi_datta_yoga_class/    Keto Diet Plan - https://gl.ketocycle.diet/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=1953758114&adgroupid=72564564842&utm_term=keto%20diet&adpos=&gclid=Cj0KCQjwybD0BRDyARIsACyS8mt4dzeBkye6HuN7TvxlZVsO-IWtxgV1xtsDOdLk2noXuaJiIMYFTY4aArzDEALw_wcB  Protein Diet - https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/20-delicious-high-protein-foods  Video target - For kids specially. Camera - https://www.apple.com/in/iphone-11-pro/ Tripod - https://www.flipkart.com/everycom-50-inch-lightweight-tripod-bag/p/itmf3tguph3ftbk4 Props- chair, Stool, Box etc. Video Credit - Ms. Abha Deb  Trainer - Rakesh Datta Profession - Yoga cum Physical Education teacher.' 
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