'Zumba Fitness World Party - Hawaii Reveal'

'Zumba Fitness World Party - Hawaii Reveal'
01:15 May 10, 2022
'Aloha! Welcome to Hawaii, the fourth and final stop of your Passport to Party tour with Zumba Fitness World Party. From the mesmerizing Hula to the upbeat Tahitian movements, these scenic, exotic islands will surely Work Your Body and Rock Your World. Don\'t worry; this journey isn\'t over yet. Discover the full exhilarating experience of all seven in-game destinations when you bring home the game on November 5th!  Make sure to get your Passport to Party stamped one more time to earn one last entry into the World Party Sweepstakes, and if you collect all four stamps, a $10 coupon off World Party, exclusively in-store at GameStop!  www.zumbafitnessgame.com/worldpartypassport' 

Tags: reveal , zumba fitness , trailer , ZUMBA , hawaii , Teaser , sweepstakes , Zumba video game , World Party , Zumba Fitness World Party , GameStop , zumba game , Zumba Fitness Game , Zumba Fitness Video Game , zumba world party , Hawaii Reveal , Zumba Sweepstakes , World Party Sweepstakes , Zumba Coupon , World Party Coupon , GameStop Coupon

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