Feb 27, 2021
'Join us for a time of worship on Sunday morning at 10am! We are so excited to worship Jesus together today! Join us after the service on Zoom for fellowship and prayer: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86067512307?pwd=bXJGemdWTDAvQkkrcURjMDdranZudz09 Meeting ID: 860 6751 2307 Password: 235394 Join us at 11:45am for our in-person worship gathering at Oak Forest Park: https://goo.gl/maps/Nr3eQiVS3zMXmJ9HA Kids Ministry Resources: https://akingdomstory.com/kingdom-kids/ Racial Reconciliation Resources: http://akingdomstory.com/reconciliation-resources/ To give, visit the http://akingdomstory.com or text an amount to 84321'See also: