'This is dedicated to anyone who has low self esteem. I am confronting my fears. I hate having my picture taken and being recorded which has led to low self esteem. Here is me confronting my fears through this channel. As of April 2020 I have a complete Dad Bod. Follow my full journey here - https://bit.ly/3ePOOSr - 100 Squats - 100 Press Ups - 100 Sit Ups - 100 Leg Raises EVERYDAY. I am not following any diet and will share with you genuine results or no results. Follow the journey.'
Tags: family , Women , home workout , chest workout , men , chest , biceps , leg workout , shoulders , funny , at home , transformation , six pack , hiit , squats , bodyweight , sit ups , lose belly fat , lol , push ups , before and after , dumbbells , everyday , without equipment , resistance bands , body weight , upper body , inspirational , 30 days , Pull Ups , leg , warrior , for beginners , leg raises , press ups , chin ups , one month , kettle bells , dad bod , loll life , fit bod , motivate your kids to exercise
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