'Who is ready for a super cute BACK TO SCHOOL FASHION SHOW!? The kids show off their new clothes for this school year. This summer has felt like forever, but also nonexistent at the same time, either way the kiddos and Mom are all excited for school to start back up. We love this tradition we have of trying all our back to school clothes on everyone strutting their stuff! If you like this video be sure to share it and subscribe! Don\'t forget to Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6hr4NpbIoqPuG8GVBh4q9g?sub_confirmation=1 Check out our website! www.moffatsinthemaking.com Come follow us on our other social media sites: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/moffatsinthemaking Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Moffats-In-The-Making-333330817072301/?ref=br_rs Twitter: https://twitter.com/MoffatsITMaking Cody\'s Photography: www.codymoffat.com Music from Epidemic Sound Want to send us something: The Moffat\'s PO Box 52 Kamas, UT 84036 #lovethejourney #backtoschool'
Tags: fashion show , try on , try on haul , clothing haul , fashion haul , back to school , back to school shopping , back to school 2020 , family of 7 , back to school haul , clothes haul , kids fashion show , moffats in the making , moffats , love the journey , back to school clothing haul , Back to School Try On Haul , fashion show kids , back to school try on , back to school fashion haul , BACK TO SCHOOL TRY ON HAUL FASHION SHOW 2020 , kids try on haul , moffat fashion , moffats fashion show
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