'Leo the Truck #kids #cartoon #carcartoon #voiceover'

'Leo the Truck #kids #cartoon #carcartoon #voiceover'
05:59 Jun 29, 2022
'Do you like to build new vehicles and watch new car cartoons for kids? Come and watch a new Leo the truck cartoon episode in English about construction games for kids! In the first part of a new full episode cartoon, Leo the truck will build a locomotive for the train. Look, Lift the forklift fills the train with fruits and the train is leaving. The train is carrying a submarine, a tractor, bowling pins, watermelons and vegetables. Oh no! The train can\'t continue its way because of the heavy wagons. We need a powerful locomotive for the train! And Leo the truck will help us with a new construction! In the second part of a new construction cartoon, we will help Leo the truck to build another locomotive for the train. In the third part of a new Leo the truck cartoon episode, we will learn how to build a train station for the trains.  car cartoons, cartoons, car cartoon, full episodes, street vehicles, trains, train station, train, leo the truck, cartoon for kids, cartoons for kids, big wheels, car cartoon for kids, car cartoons for kids, cars, cars for kids, children, colors, educational, for kids, funny, kids, learn, learning, live, play, toy truck, toy trucks, trucks, trucks for kids, vehicles, vehicles for kids                                                                                                                      #kids #kidsknowledger #cartoon #viral #carcartoon #voiceover' 

Tags: Live , funny , kids , for kids , Train , Learning , Cartoon for kids , Cars , cartoons , Play , educational , learn , children , colors , cartoons for kids , kids videos for kids , vehicles , kids cartoons , cars for kids , full episodes , Trains , best animation , Trucks , train station , vehicles for kids , street vehicles , trucks for kids , car cartoon , toy trucks , leo the truck , car cartoons , big wheels , toy truck , car cartoons for kids , car cartoon for kids

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