'Hi there, come learn about a couple different motorcycles with me. We are going to talk about all the parts of the motorcycle and what they are used for. Let’s learn about colors of different dirt bikes and count how many wheels they have. I’m going to even ride the motorcycle around. Hi there, lets learn about our ABC’s and count numbers together. We will explore all types of neat toys like balls, blocks, and musical instruments. We will learn shapes and colors of all types toys and objects around us. We will get to cook and make fun and yummy food together. Also, we will have fun art projects to do and explore making different crafts. We are going to learn about bulldozers, construction trucks, motorcycles, and tractors and will get to learn different ways of transportation. This channel is all about fun learning with toddlers and preschoolers. with Come Learn With MISSY!!!'
Tags: learning colors , dirt bikes for kids , Preschool Education , toddler learning , Riding motorcycles , motorcycle parts , dirt bike parts , Riding dirt bikes , learning about dirt bikes , learning colors of different motorcycles , learning parts of a motorcycle , educational fun learning , safety while riding bikes , dirt bike helmet
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