Jul 6, 2022
'Did you know that teaching your child Spanish from home doesn’t have to be a hard, daunting task? I know it sounds crazy because we’re so used to hearing about apps and flashcards, grammar rules and vocabulary lists, and hours of studying, and while that is important, I’m going to share three secrets with you today that’s going to revolutionize the way you see your child becoming bilingual . I’m Sarah Thiemann and I am a certified Spanish teacher who has helped more than 6,000 students grades K-6th learn Spanish and have fun while doing it. What is the secret behind your child learning to speak conversational Spanish and enjoy the process at the same time?? It’s learning through immersion and comprehensible Input . (It’s pretty much doing fun activities they already think are cool like crafts, cooking, games, songs, and stories, but mixing in Spanish throughout in a way that they will understand.) So I’m going to share with you 3 secrets about learning through immersion and comprehensible Input and how you can sit back and watch your child learn Spanish fast and have fun while doing it. SECRET #1 Your child can learn Spanish online without any app, grammar drills, or memorizing lengthy vocab lists.. Kids learn best when they’re having fun, and then they subsciously pick-up the Spanish being used, just like they did when they were learning English. This is important because the learning will feel natural and subconscious. And for you parents, it won’t be like pulling teeth to get them to practice their Spanish. It’s just something fun they get to add into their routine. And in the long run, they won’t have to intellectually understand all the grammar rules and ins and outs of the language in order to successfully be able to communicate what they want to communicate, just like we don’t have to think much when we want to communicate in our first language! SECRET #2 Get them to learn the high frequency words first Did you know that you can communicate in Spanish with just knowing a handful of words? Actually, the top 80% of all spoken Spanish is made up of just 75-85 words. This means that if we focus our efforts on teaching kids the top most commonly used words in the language and the ones that are most meaningful and relevant to them, we’re giving them a better shot of being able to communicate effectively in Spanish, in a faster amount of time. . SECRET #3 Make it all about THEM Kids love to talk about themselves, in whatever language they’re speaking! This is key because if we want them to speak Spanish, we have to give them the tools to talk about the things they want to talk about. That means, teaching them how to say things they WANT to know how to talk about! Now, I know what you may be thinking. \"This sounds great, but my child doesn\'t have the time to learn Spanish right now\" Well, the tricky thing is that you\'re actually running out of time TO teach them, since the sooner they start being exposed to it the easier it is to learn. And a little bit is better than none - even just exposure at a young age can set them up for a lifetime of bilingual success! And so, I’ve created this YouTube Channel full of Spanish classes for kids so you can expose your child to Spanish and get them learning it through comprehensible input and immersion, right from the comfort of your own home. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Learn Spanish with us! Kids Spanish classes designed for elementary ages 5 - 13! Fun and highly effective online classes for kids using Spanish songs, Spanish stories, Spanish games, Spanish cooking and much more! CONNECT WITH US! Join our Private Parent Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/spanishschoolinsiders Like our Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/hellotoholastl Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahs_spanish_school/ At Sarah’s Spanish School, we believe that every elementary-school student should have the opportunity to learn Spanish in a fun way as a part of their academic day. Our goals are to promote bilingual education in America, show young students that they can learn a second language and how much fun it really is, and give schools and parents a way to easily offer Spanish to their students. Native speakers. Certified teachers. Themed weeks. Learn through immersion and FUN!'
Tags: spanish for kids , Spanish classes , kids classes , online spanish , beginner spanish
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