'Great tool for student engagement, memorization skills, and another way to look at informational text! Check out the accompanying lesson plan! It’s a great addition to the music video, and it makes for an awesome activating strategy. It includes a sample lesson plan, lyrics sheet to accompany the song, 10-question quiz, and answer key. http://grammarheads.com/product/prepositions/ Download this video, song, PowerPoints and more! Visit http://grammarheads.com/ for more educational rock and roll. Grammarheads rock video to help teach about prepositions.'
Tags: student , school , education , lesson , educational video , rock and roll , learn english , teacher , elementary , teach , writing , grammar , language arts , #isFamilyFriendly , prepositions , preposition , prepositional phrase , familyes , educational rock music videos , k-6 , grammerheads , prepositional phrases and prepositions song , grammarheads
See also: