Jul 6, 2022
'http://remotelearning.school/ We believe all children deserve to learn a second language! Learning a second language at a young age can contribute to cognitive and social-emotional development, and accelerate learning. Studies show that bilingual children learn faster and easier, have improved problem solving skills and creativity, and have more career opportunities in adulthood. Recommended for kids of any age who want to learn to speak a second language! https://kids.remotelearning.school/courses/learning-spanish Interested in enrolling your kids to this online class, and advance their education so that they get the advantage they deserve in today\'s educational environment? Head to RemoteLearning.school for info! Our goal is to enhance and encourage learning and development and maximize the education of every child, while aiding them in achieving their highest personal potential through a remote learning program. https://remotelearning.school/pricing.html'See also: