'The Super Cool Story of Jesus – Our 2017 Easter story for children'

04:14 Jul 24, 2022
'The Super Cool Story of Jesus tells the amazing story of how Jesus lived and loved.   Get Easter resources, including booklets, videos and more to help you share the Easter story: https://bit.ly/3dw2pO8   TRANSCRIPT:  Written by Dai Woolridge Illustrated by Emma Randall  © Bible Society 2017. All rights reserved  Address Bible Society, Stonehill Green, Westlea, Swindon, United Kingdom, SN5 7DG  biblesociety.org.uk  E: contactus@biblesociety.org.uk  T: 01793 418222 Registered charity 232759  Jesus DID and Jesus loved To show us how his Father loves  When Jesus was all grown up He really did a lot of stuff On top of high hills and in boats out at sea Sat down by tables for supper or tea But he also loved lots on a kind of tree It’s 100% true and a super cool story  Jesus SAID and Jesus loved To show us how his Father loves  On a great big hill Jesus told a story About two builders let’s call them Billy and Bernie Billy being silly built his house on the sand But Bernie the brains built on rock on the land After the storm Billy was grumpy cos his house was in pieces all broken and lumpy But when you listen and do what I say you’re like Bernie the builder who built the right way  Jesus DID and Jesus loved To show us how his Father loves  Jesus was by a lake with friends and people came to follow It got late and bellies grumbled cos they had no food to swallow So Jesus did a miracle five thousand mouths were fed He did it with two smelly fish and just five loaves of bread  In a boat out at sea his mates had a big surprise They saw Jesus walking there. They couldn’t believe their eyes! He wasn’t in a boat and he wasn’t wearing skis He was walking on the water and doing it with ease  Jesus SERVED and Jesus loved To show us how his Father loves  Jesus was at a table with friends like John and Pete He made some soapy water and scrubbed their grubby feet ‘You can’t wash my feet’ says Pete, ’No way! Not happening! NNNNever!’ But Jesus did the messy jobs though he’s the most important ever  Jesus ATE and Jesus loved To show us how his Father loves  Jesus was having supper He broke the bread in two ‘It’s a picture of my body and it’s broken now for you’ He also filled a cup with wine ‘Remember when I’m gone  ‘That I bled because I loved you and paid for all your wrong’  Jesus PRAYED and Jesus loved To show us how his Father loves  Jesus was in the garden He knew his time had come ‘I wish there was another way But let my Father’s will be done’  Jesus DIED and Jesus loved To show us how his Father loves  Some didn’t like Jesus He said he was God’s son They thought he was telling fibs and telling them for fun And though he was God’s Son they nailed him to a tree Inbetween two robbers he died for you and me He said that it is finished and then he closed his eyes In case he was pretending they even stabbed his side  Jesus ROSE and Jesus loved To show us how his Father loves  A woman was at a graveyard A man asked her what was wrong The lady sobbed and sniffled ‘Jesus’ body’s gone’ She thought he was a gardener But there was no spade in view But Jesus called her Mary Then teacher she cries, ‘It’s you!’  So now Jesus is alive There’s lots he wants to give But most of all it’s life and love So we can really live' 

Tags: Jesus , Jesus story , story of jesus , Church video , Easter , easter story for kids , easter story , easter sunday , good friday , easter story for children , crucifixion of Jesus , jesus death , Easter Video , resurrection of jesus , super cool story of jesus , jesus miracles , easter video for kids , easter video for children , easter movies for children , animated easter story

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