'Low Protein Diet for Kidney Disease Patients: Tips and Advice from a Renal Dietitian'

01:13:56 Mar 10, 2021
'Dadvice TV Episode 96: Low Protein Diet for Kidney Disease Patients: Tips and Advice from a Renal Dietitian. Studies have found a low protein diet for kidney disease patients (or even very-low protein diet) to be beneficial for those in later stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD), like stages 4 and 5. Renal Dietitian Jen Hernandez and Kidney Health Coach James Fabin discuss what is a low protein diet, what does it mean for fats and carbs when you are on a low protein diet, who should follow a low protein diet, who should NOT follow a low protein diet, benefits of a low protein diet, foods to include on a low protein diet, foods to avoid, supplements, and more.  A low protein diet is a diet in which the daily protein allowance is restricted below the general nutrition guidelines.  The general recommendation for adequate protein is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.  A low protein diet is where we start below the general recommendation to anywhere from 0.6-0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. The amount determined in this range will include factors such as age, activity level, stage of kidney disease and cause of kidney disease.  Learn more from Jen at www.JenHernandezRD.com Jens Low Protein Diet for Kidney Disease Patients: https://www.jenhernandezrd.com/low-protein-diet/  Plant-Powered Kidneys Facebook Community www.facebook.com/groups/plantpoweredkidneys ***Be sure to answer the questions to be admitted!***  For US residents, start your nutrition treatment plan at www.JenHernandezRD.com and click Kidney Master Plan Call (top right-hand corner on computer or bottom link of the menu drop-down on mobile)  To find a renal dietitian (in the US): https://sites.google.com/view/ckdrd/home https://renalnutrition.org/find-an-expert.php https://www.eatright.org/find-an-expert  To find a renal dietitian in the UK: https://freelancedietitians.org/  Learn more about James and Dadvice TV at: www.DadviceTV.com  IMPORTANT: I AM NOT A DOCTOR. Patients should always be under the care of a physician and defer to their physician for any and all treatment decisions. This video is not meant to replace a physician\'s advice, supervision, and counsel. No information in the video should be construed as medical advice. All medical decisions should be made by the patient and a qualified physician. This video is for informational purposes only and DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE PROVIDING OF MEDICAL ADVICE.  #DadviceTV #kidney #kidneydisease #kidneyhealth #kidneyfailure #ckd #kidneys #renal #chronickidneydisease #kidneywarrior #kidneydiseaseawareness' 

Tags: kidney disease , CKD , improve kidney function , ckd diet , kidney failure , diet for kidney disease , best diet for kidney disease , renal dietitian , keto diet for kidney disease , diet for kidney disease patient , diet for kidney disease stage 3 , good diet for kidney disease , healthy diet for kidney disease , plant based diet for kidney disease , vegan diet for kidney disease , low protein diet for kidney patients , low protein diet , low protein diet benefits , low protein foods

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