'Phosphorus and Kidney Disease Diet: High Phosphorus Foods and Renal Diet Tips'

'Phosphorus and Kidney Disease Diet: High Phosphorus Foods and Renal Diet Tips'
37:18 Mar 12, 2021
'Episode 37: Phosphorus and Kidney Disease Diet: High Phosphorus Foods & Renal diet tips. For a person with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), it is important to watch the phosphorus in your kidney diet in order to avoid problems like heart disease or weak and brittle bones.  I explain the connection between phosphorus and chronic kidney disease and provide tips on how to manage phosphorus as part of your kidney disease diet or renal diet.  0:00  Intro to Phosphorus and Kidney Disease 6:15  high phosphorus Foods to avoid or limit and how to find low phosphorus foods for your renal diet 20:55 How much phosphorus is safe in your kidney diet 22:34 Symptoms of too much phosphorus in your kidney diet 26:42 Strategies to lower phosphorus in your kidney diet  For More Chronic Kidney Disease Videos and Treatment Tips from a CKD Patient, watch:  Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment - How To Lower Potassium Levels and avoid Kidney Failure https://youtu.be/-REQeBje8jA  Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 5 and Stage 4 Renal Diet - What I ate to improve my kidney function https://youtu.be/zH6fnXyPee8  Overcoming sleep issues with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), low kidney function, and kidney failure https://youtu.be/7lGnEaeuMaE  Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment: How I increased my GFR & improved my kidney function Part 1 https://youtu.be/XRnUGL-zAFs  SUBSCRIBE TO SUPPORT!   Please also follow Dadvice TV on:  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DadviceTV/  Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/dadvicetv  Website: http://www.DadviceTV.com   Phosphorus is a mineral found in many foods. It works with calcium and vitamin D in your body to keep your bones healthy and strong. Healthy kidneys keep the right amount of phosphorus in your body, but when you have reduced kidney function, phosphorus can build up to dangerous levels in your blood.  Managing phosphorus is an important part of your kidney disease treatment diet to help maintain kidney function, prevent kidney failure, and avoid dialysis.  The majority of the phosphorus comes from our diet.  Phosphorus comes in many different forms, is very cheap, and is used widely around the world.  Whereas Potassium is fairly easy to find and avoid, finding low phosphorus foods for kidney patients is tricky.  The food industry is adding more phosphorus to foods that are traditionally considered low phosphorus foods for kidney patients. The following are a few foods and beverages that contain hidden phosphorus and are not recommended kidney foods: • Flavored waters • Iced teas • Sodas and other bottled beverages • Enhanced meat and chicken products • Breakfast (cereal) bars • Nondairy creamers • Bottled coffee beverages  The number of products containing these additives grows weekly. This makes it virtually impossible for dietitians and those with CKD to know what’s “safe” for their renal diet and what should be limited.  Phosphorus is added to foods for a variety of reasons.  Phosphorus additives can be used to make foods creamier, allow foods that wouldn’t normally melt to melt, maintain the juiciness of meat and prevent beverages from separating into individual ingredients. Phosphorus also makes food last longer.  One of the best ways to reduce phosphorus buildup is to make dietary changes and only eat low phosphorus foods. To do that, you’ll need to learn which foods are high in phosphorus, which are low, and how to find phosphorus that has been added.   Locating hidden sources of phosphorus in your renal diet requires patience, diligence and a lot of label reading. However, it’s worth the effort to help you reduce the amount of phosphorus in your renal diet. Look for ingredients with the letters \"PHOS\" in them.  If they appear once in the first half of the ingredients, assume they have too much phosphorus.  If they appear 2 or more times anywhere on the label, assume they have too much phosphorus.  If the do not appear, this is low phosphorus food for kidney disease patients.  IMPORTANT: I AM NOT A DOCTOR. Patients should always be under the care of a physician and defer to their physician for any and all treatment decisions.  This video is not meant to replace a physician’s advice, supervision, and counsel.  No information in the video should be construed as medical advice.  All medical decisions should be made by the patient and a qualified physician.  This video is for informational purposes only and DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE PROVIDING OF MEDICAL ADVICE.  #DadviceTV #KidneyDisease #KidneyFoods #KidneyDiet' 

Tags: kidney disease , kidney , kidney disease diet , chronic kidney disease , kidney disease symptoms , kidney disease treatment , kidney diet , diet for chronic kidney disease , kidney failure , diet for kidney disease , diet and kidney disease , renal diet , low phosphorus foods , treating kidney disease , kidney care , phosphorus , kidney foods , dialysis patient diet , end stage renal disease , phosphorus foods , phosphorus kidneys , kidney care tips , phosphorus in kidney , ckd phosphorus intake

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