'\"How can I learn Spanish fast?\" With its unique, proven approach, this video makes it easy and fun to learn Spanish quickly. Start learning useful conversational sentences including dating and relationship phrases in Spanish right away. English phrases are followed by Spanish, much easier than total immersion. Parts 1-10 cover telling time, colors, numbers, family members, foods, small talk, polite conversation, and other important phrases in Spanish conversation. Links to each chapter are provided below. Review and repetition are easy when you follow the surprising twists and turns in this entertaining story. Watch as many times as needed and practice along. Try out your new Spanish phrases with friends. Get ready for success! Please subscribe and enable notifications. This program was made for use by teens and adults. If you would like to practice with the gender reversed, check out our version with Ava and Logan here: https://youtu.be/MrCHBvBdz5k Purchase the DVD: https://www.rocknlearn.com/collections/other-languages/products/conversational-spanish-for-teens-and-adults-dvd Chapter Points for Parts 1-10: 00:00 Rock \'N Learn Title Screen 00:05 Part 1: \"Will You Go Out With Me?\" 05:15 Part 2: \"Where Can We Meet?\" 12:47 Part 3: \"Dinner Date Mistake?\" 19:14 Part 4: \"Where is the Concert?\" 25:45 Part 5: \"What\'s That Smell?\" 37:25 Part 6: \"What Should We Do Now?\" 43:04 Part 7: \"Something Sweet\" 50:22 Part 8: \"Oh Brother!\" 57:52 Part 9: \"May I Have Your Number?\" 1:03:28 Part 10: \"Call Me Maybe\"'
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