'House Vocabulary in Spanish (Essential Spanish Vocabulary) | Learning Time Fun Spanish'

02:27 Sep 7, 2022
'Learn House Vocabulary (Vocabulario) in Spanish with our Kid\'s Spanish learning videos! Learn the Spanish language with words (Palabras) in Spanish (en español) about common rooms around the house and household items that we use on a daily basis. We hope you and your child enjoy learning Spanish vocabulary with us in our latest Spanish Language learning video from Learning Time Fun!  SUPPORT LEARNING TIME FUN Help fund our educational content (with a cup of hot coco) ☕☕☕ ▶▶ https://ko-fi.com/learningtimefun We truly appreciate your support!  

Tags: house , home , Español , vocabulary , spanish , learn spanish , vocab , spanish kids , kids words , learning spanish , spanish for kids , in Spanish , Spanish language , speaking spanish , spanish vocabulary , vocabulario , Palabras en Español , speak Spanish , easy spanish , spanish vocab , spanish videos , videos niños , spanish children , fast spanish , house vocabulary , el vocabulario , apprendre espagnol , vocabulario de casa , palabras español , español niños , palabras , the spanish , how to spanish

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