'SUBSCRIBE, SHARE & LIKE! INSPIRING GREATNESS! Watch a short musical video Spanish Lesson on \"The Days of the Week (Los Dias de la Semana)\". Great for beginner students! SING-ALONG to this catchy song & learn the Days of the Week! Easy to follow video lessons. Visit Learning Spanish 4 Kids website for the FULL VIDEO & Details on How to Become a LS4K Member & info on our Online Spanish Classes! http://learningspanish4kids.com Follow LS4K on Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LearningSpanish4Kids Twitter: https://twitter.com/ls4k_kids Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ls4k_kids'
Tags: ENTERTAINMENT , kids , for kids , Music , children , baby videos , sunday , saturday , Wednesday , friday , tuesday , Thursday , Schools , Niños , camps , homeschool , adults , online learning , daycare , Monday , childcare , kid videos , spanish teacher , sing-a-long , musicales , martes , spanish lesson , sabado , DOMINGO , Spanish classes , viernes , lunes , days of the week , Teen videos , spanish tutor , Learning Spanish 4 Kids , LS4K , online spanish class , Dias de la Semana , storytime video , Basic Spanish Sentences , Miercoles , Juevez
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