'Ok so you understand that glycogen comes off first but when does body fat actually start to burn? when are you officially shedding fat and not just releasing water and carbs? How can you find out if you are already in fat burning mode? Is it impossible to know? is there a specific calorie number that equates to body fat? You want to burn fat but you have these lingering questions revolving how and when you actually lose fat, Is it taken too long that you are becoming discouraged due to the slow speed in fat loss? Link to the study : http://translational-medicine.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12967-016-1044-0 ► S U B S C R I B E → http://tinyurl.com/z4aylr4 * I\'m not a nutritionist nor am I a doctor all information given has been gathered by personal experience and information that I researched and compiled over the years. Always consult a physician before starting a new diet, eating regiment, or workout plan. I break down the exact numbers to expect to see fat loss not water and not carbs but actual fat. So sit back and enjoy the video this is how you can actually shed fat with intermittent fasting. Enjoy! Are there any aspects of Intermittent Fasting that you would like me to touch on? If so let me know in the comments section below. Visit our site for all your fitness needs: http://fledgefitness.com/ Like us on Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/zclncp6 Follow us on Instagram @FlegdeFitness http://tinyurl.com/hjx84en Follow me on snapchat: fledgefitness'
Tags: Weight loss , burn calories , body , fat , lose weight , fat burning workout , fat loss , weight loss tips , fat burning workouts , fat burning cardio , intermittent fasting , burning , burn , fat burn , lose fat , FAT LOSS WORKOUT , weight loss motivation , fasting , fat loss workout for men , intermittent fasting results , fledge fitness , afterburn effect , warrior diet , fat burning machine
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