'A new study was done for intermittent fasting!! It was a quick study focusing on the 48 hour fasting period and what initial effects one may feel from the blunt force of going right into the 48 hour fast for the first time. The findings of the study were very interesting and I\'m here to breakdown the abstract and the conclusion of the study so that you understand what exactly happened during the trial. The full study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5153500/ ► S U B S C R I B E → http://tinyurl.com/z4aylr4 * I\'m not a nutritionist nor am I a doctor all information given has been gathered by personal experience and information that I researched and compiled over the years. Always consult a physician before starting a new diet, eating regiment, or workout plan. I\'m constantly researching intermittent fasting studies and I\'m always fascinated to see if the studies are in line with the theories that have yet to be proven, this new study for the 48 hour fast provides that interest that makes me wonder what the outcome was and how effective or non effective was the intermittent fasting protocol. Hope you guys enjoy the video! Are there any aspects of Intermittent Fasting that you would like me to touch on? If so let me know in the comments section below. Visit our site for all your fitness needs: http://fledgefitness.com/ Like us on Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/zclncp6 Follow us on Instagram @FlegdeFitness http://tinyurl.com/hjx84en Follow me on snapchat: fledgefitness'
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