'We are the MAINVILLES!! Ronnie (dad), Cayden, R.I.P. OUR SON Elijah (aka Drax Shadow) and MOM (aka Melody). I vlog our Lives daily as Lifestyle Vloggers. Elijah is an Honorary WWE Superstar, also diagnosed with stage 4 Neuroblastoma cancer. Melody is an artist and photographer and singer. Cayden is a fun Loving Talented Autistic Dancer. Ronnie, DAD is just as goofy as ever! Us 4 as a mix make it for a great time on video. We promote Hope in a hopeless society. Bringing Joy to our community! If you Subscribe you become a part of our Minion Family!!!! WELCOME and ENJOY!!! HOPEFUL NATION : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYJT5Hs4WM24ZYQXx0THgnA FAMILY OF HOPE MERCH : https://teespring.com/stores/family-of-hope-vlogs HOPES & DREAMS MERCH : https://teespring.com/stores/hopes-dreams-by-mel-n-debz PO BOX 1493 TUOLUMNE, CA 95379 Shoutout to our patreons!!! https://www.patreon.com/FamilyOfHope (Note: Only the Active Patrons are mentioned) Harold Adcox Adam Archer Chenoa Hogue Jason Kaplan Theresa justice Chad Hipfner Natalia Faliciano Tracy Gurnell Megan Osmond Kayde Root Dean Felton Missy Moore Jody Vazquez Lindsey Denise Roman Charlene Uyehara Debra Mcleod Jessica Link Fresh Baked ~TWITCH : https://www.twitch.tv/melodymainville ~TWITTER : https://twitter.com/WweThat ~FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/FOHFamily/ ~INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/foh_family/ ~CHRIST & COFFEE YOUTUBE : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4CIN17bjZSh5Akmigc3MAw'
Tags: Lifestyle , pranks , Christian , sickness , christmas , cancer , hospital , Faith , Radiation , Hope , chemo , autism awareness , awareness , WWE , Melody , Ronnie , ELIJAH , Monday Night Raw , hopeful , wwe backstage , Cayden , live streams , drax shadow , mainville
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