'Watch our new song! Sing with us! ❤️ Don\'t forget to subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/lbh-subscribe Watch it at home or church and celebrate with Little Big Heroes! Lyrics: JONAH God called and spoke to Jonah Go and preach in Nineveh So they could be saved, and rescued that day It was the Lord’s perfect time time time time But Jonah tried to escape He ran away… from God’s calling And while in the huge boat A big wind arose And he was inside the sto o orm o o o o orm Jonah was thrown in the sea Swallowed by a really big fish He was there inside for 3 days But He prayed and cried out loud to the Lord Oh Oh Oh --------- More from Little Big Heroes: Bible stories for kids: https://bit.ly/2KXMHwM WEB: https://littlebigheroes.org/ Blog: https://littlebigheroes.org/blog/ Curriculum: https://bit.ly/lbh-curriculum Follow Little Big Heroes: Facebook: http://bit.ly/lbh-fb Instagram: http://bit.ly/lbh-ig YouTube: http://bit.ly/lbh-yt Download our new album! iTunes: http://bit.ly/lbh-itunes Spotify: http://bit.ly/lbh-spotify Deezer: http://bit.ly/lbh-Deezer #LittleBigHeroes #ChristianSongsForKids'
Tags: church , kids , Cartoon , children , songs for babies , God , Jesus , bible , Songs for children , songs for kids , babies , Bible stories , jonah , sunday school , cartoon music , Christian Songs for Kids , bible for children , Christian children songs , christian songs for babies , christian songs for church , christian songs for sunday school , little big heroes , bible stories for Sunday school , jonah from the bible , Jonah and the whale , how to teach bible to kids , jonah bible
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