'Hello adorables! Welcome to a new video! Today I\'m sharing with you how you can replicate the kpop idol airport fashion look for your winter travels! Here are some tips summed up below: How to recreate Kpop WINTER AIRPORT FASHION 1. All black 2. Turtlenecks 3. Statement coat - Want to go for comfort: jeans (leggings) or form fitting sweatpants, want it to be high waisted - Turtleneck, cozy hoodies, but should show off body shape - All black looks classy and sleek - Use your coat as a statement I hope you guys enjoyed! You don\'t necessarily have to wear these on a flight, a car ride or train ride works too, or just as a casual daily outfit guide :) I hope you found this helpful and I will see you all next time. Love you guys sososo much and thanks for watching! Love, Ara ~ Contact Me! ~ ♡ My Instagram: @dearloveara (https://www.instagram.com/dearloveara/) ♡ Business email: adoradu.business@gmail.com - Video Production and Gear - ⭐︎ Music: By Prod. Riddiman https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdSuKogXJOZld5Dzw_9285w ⭐︎ Camera: Canon M50 ⭐︎ Tablet I use: Huion Inspiroy H640P https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B075T6MTJX/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 ⭐︎ Editing Software: Final Cut Pro X ⭐︎ Thumbnail maker: www.fotor.com ⭐︎ Text Annotations and drawing software: Krita ⭐︎ PNG Credits: PNG Tree [Disclaimer] All opinions in my videos are my honest and personal reviews. . . . . . . . #airportfashion #kfashion #kpopairportfashion'
Tags: fashion , winter , Travel , Kpop , korea , lookbook , airport , winter fashion , korean fashion , winter lookbook , kfashion , Travel Lookbook , winter travel , kpop fashion , airport fashion , 아이유 , kpop idol fashion , Kpop Idol Airport Fashion , Love Ara , korean fashion winter , kpop airport , idol airport fashion , winter airport fashion , winter kpop airport fashion , winter kpop idol fashion , winter idol lookbook , winter kfashion
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