'Golu contest & Kids Cooking contest–Day 9 | Youtube Contest on Maha’s kitchen diary|Golu decorations'

'Golu contest & Kids Cooking contest–Day 9 | Youtube Contest on Maha’s kitchen diary|Golu decorations'
09:06 Jan 19, 2021
'#maha’skitchendiarygolucontestintamil#Golu_Contest_and_Kids_Cooking_Contest#Goludecorationimages #GoluContest #KidsCookingContest #Goludecorationideasandthemeimages  Please check all the videos in my link then like,share,comment and subscribe my channel “Maha’s kitchen diary” and press the bell button to get notification  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbM7saUSKyCRpLnQEhCuGaw In our channel,We are conducting Navarathri Golu contest in 2020,Kids cooking contest,Golu decorations & themes images.We are happy to announce the contest on Maha’s kitchen diary YouTube channel.what you have to do the Navarathri Golu contest and Kids cooking contest – Most of them were celebrated Navarathri Golu festival.You are all going to decorate your Golu so attractive and so beautiful.you just take a 2 snaps of that Golu, Golu alone and Golu with your photo and send my Whatapp Num.In Kids cooking contest,You just take a 3 min video of Your little chef’s cooking recipe video ( any simple snacks recipe like sundal,aval,sweet corn or any fireless cooking recipe) and send my Whatsapp num.I will publish your cooking video and  Golu photos on my Youtube channel.  Last Submission date is 24-10-2020 In this Video,We will see the Day 9 Golu & Day 9 Kids Cooking recipe video..Do watch this recipe and share with your friends and relatives and ask them to like this video.We will select the winners based on how many likes!!! Also please do share your feedback about the video in the comment box below. Happy day!    We are happy to introducing a new door for you all to do online grocery and vegetable shopping. Maha’s kitchen diary (My Kitchen Diary) is now collaboration with Shoploga website.  https://www.shoploga.com/ (FREE DELIVERY available within Chennai)  Shop Loga is an innovative online food and grocery retailer! Over 25 years of retail, distribution and e-commerce knowledge has helped us to understand the needs of our valued customers and create our new on-line shopping experience.  You will be getting 2.5% discount, if you use the referral code or URL when you purchase above Rs. 1000. Your referral URL :  https://www.shoploga.com/?raf=ref7659443 Your Coupon code : ref7659443 My Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/mahalakshmi.sridhar.18 Email ID : smahakitchen@gmail.com Whatsapp Num : 9176975772' 

Tags: 2020 , vlog , competition , contests , kids cooking , cooking competition , contest video , cooking contest , golu contest in tamil , golu competition in tamil , duserra festival , navaratri festival celebration , kids cooking contest in tamil , navaratri golu , Navarathri golu arrangements , navarathri golu display , Navarathri golu setup ideas , navarathri 2020 , navarathri pictures , golu pictures , golu decorations , golu ideas in tamil , golu different themes #maha’skitchendiarycontestvideo , golu

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